
Safety is our number one priority

EPC Groupe has Safety as its number one priority and begun in 2007 a program to improve its Occupational Safety performance working with Dupont de Nemours. Since then the EPC Groupe has implemented a number of initiatives to sustain the long-term aim of zero harm in the business.

These have culminated in our “Esprit d’Equipe” behaviour program which was launched in 2015. Esprit d’Equipe is the essence and culture of the way we operate and involves “Safety Ambassadors”.

The objective is to improve the Safety of our Team by Behaviour Change at work and at home.

Examples of the behaviour based models used to implement them are illustrated below:

EPC Safety

The results of this journey to date are indicated here:

Reduction in the frequency
rate of lost-time injuries (2007-2017)
Reduction in accident severity

espritEsprit d’Equipe is a Behaviour Based Safety Program.

The objective is to improve the Safety of our Team by Behavior Change at work and at home.

Safety Ambassadors are motivated to pass Safety Messages focused on behaviours to their peers.


Our Safety Ambassadors



Leading in Safety requires the full commitment of the Senior Management of EPC Groupe.

The management exert their leadership regularly by visiting Sites for STOP visit: Safety Observation and Open discussion are completed with everyone on how to improve Safety by carrying out STOP audit.

All Senior Management STOP visits are monitored at Corporate level.

safexReporting an unsafe situation, near miss and High Potential Incident (HIPO) is key to staying in a proactive mode rather than reactive mode.

Using these leading indicators makes it possible to carry out Root Analysis, implement Corrective and Preventive Actions. This is Key to EPC Groupe continuing pursuit of zero harm in the workplace.

Communications at every level is key, with all employees within the company will be informed up to the appropriate management at the Groupe Level:

• Unsafe situation
• Near Miss
• Accident

Each year all the SHE officers come together to attend a plenary meeting: this is an excellent opportunity to share their experiences and to improve our knowledge from one another.

EPC is a member of the Safex Group.

Safex is an association: « Establishing this Association is a humanitarian task, a moral and social mission and no effort undertaken for this purpose can be considered too great ».
Founders of SAFEX International, 1954

The philosophy of Safex is based on Care and Share.

Sharing Key learning between each Safex Members in order to avoid the repetition of accidents which have been experienced by one of our members and help keep the Safex Community safer.

EPC Groupe takes pride in having a leading role in sharing learning experiences within the Safety forum.

Visit the Safex website